SYD-380B Тестер содержания серы
РезюмеПрибор сконструирован и изготовлен в соответствии с национальным стандартом Китайской Народной Респуб
SYD-387 Тестер содержания серы
Summary The instrument is designed and made as per national standard of People's Republic of ChinaGB/T387 Standard Test Method for Sulfur Content of Dark Petroleum Products (Quartz Tube Method)andASTM
SYD-5208 Быстрое равновесие закрытой вспышки
РезюмеЭтот прибор спроектирован и изготовлен в соответствии с GB / T 5208-2008. Определение температуры вспышки - мет
Тестер содержания воды в сырой нефти SYD-8929
Summary The instrument is designed and made as per standards GB/T8929 Standard Test Method for Water Content in Crude Oil (Distillation method) and ASTM D4006 Standard Test Method for Water in Crude Oi
SYD-265-2 Капиллярный вискозиметр
I. Summary The instrument is designed and made for washing the capillary viscometers, which are used for testing petroleum products. It can be used to wash capillary viscometers of various types, gradu
SYD-265-3 Автоматическая капиллярная вискозиметра
I. Summary The instrument is designed and made specially for washing the capillary viscometers, which are used for testing petroleum products. It can be used to wash glass capillary viscometer of vario
Низкотемпературный кинематический вискозиметр SYD-265G
Summary The instrument is designed and made as per the industrial standard of Peoples Republic of China SY/T5651 Technical Condition for Kinematic Viscosity of Petroleum Products. It is suitable to det
SYD-3146 Аппарат для дистилляции бензольных продуктов
Summary This instrument is designed and made as perGB/T 3146 Test Method for Distillation Characteristics of Benzene Products. It is used to determine the distillation characteristics of benzene produc
SYD-6536 Аппарат для дистилляции
Summary This instrument is designed and made as per standardsGB/T6536 Test Method for Distillation Characteristics of Petroleum ProductsandASTM D86 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Pr
SYD-1884 Измеритель плотности нефтепродуктов
Summary This instrument is designed and made as per standardsGB/T 1884-2000 Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products Laboratory determination of density Hydrometer methodandASTM D1298 Standard Tes