syd-6541a автоматического interfacial напряженности тестер
Summary The instrument is designed and made as per national standard of Peoples Republic of ChinaGB/T6541 Standard Test Method for Interfacial Tension of Oil against Water by the Ring Method. It is use
syd-5208a быстрого равновесия в закрытом тигле Flash
Summary This instrument is designed and made as per GB/T 5208-2008 Determination of flash point - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method. It can meet the requirements of rapid determination for closed cup
syd-5208d быстрого равновесия в закрытом тигле Flash 12.максимальная мощность потребления: 1100.
Summary This instrument is designed and made as per GB/T 5208-2008 Determination of flash point - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method. It can meet the requirements of rapid determination for closed cup
syd-255a жидкого асфальта перегонный аппарат
Summary The instrument is designed and made as perT0632 Test Method for Distillation Characteristics of Liquid Asphaltin the industrial standard of Peoples Republic of ChinaJTG 052 Specification and Te
wne-1c энглер вискозиметр
Summary The instrument is made as perT0622 Asphalt Engler Viscosity Test (Engler Viscometer Method)in the industrial standard of Peoples Republic of ChinaJTJ052 Specification and Test Methods of Bitume
hwy-1 низкая температура воды.
I. Summary The instrument is a laboratory instrument specially designed and made for corresponding factories and companies, construction units, research institutes, and colleges and universities. Using
hwy-10 многофункциональных сердечно - сосудистой постоянно
I. Summary The instrument is a laboratory instrument specially designed and made for factories, companies, construction companies, research institutes, and colleges and universities. The instrument is
HWY-2 Constant Temperature Oil Bath hwy-2 постоянную температуру масла.
I. Summary The oil bath is a high precision instrument developed and made by applying advanced micro-electronics technology. It has characteristics of high temperature controlling accuracy, stability a
hwy-501 сердечно - сосудистой постоянная температура воды
I. Summary The instrument is a laboratory instrument specially designed and made for corresponding factories, companies, construction units, research institutes, and colleges and universities. It not o
hwy-501a супер сердечно - сосудистой постоянная температура
I резюме документа является лабораторией документа специально для соответствующих предприятий, компаний, стр